A cult is a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. The practice of this devotion can be beneficial or harmful. What makes the difference between a cult that benefits its followers and one that betrays and causes harm? Is there a different between a shamanic community and a cult? Join us this week as host and shaman, Christina Pratt, explores what are the fundamental differences between cults that facilitate well being and those that are ultimately dangerous to the mental and spiritual health of their devotees. Most importantly, what do we learn from the damage harmful cults do about what humans truly need for the well-being of their heart and mind and how can we use shamanic healing and practices to repair the soul once that damage is done?
Listen to the show (just click the Play arrow):
or download (right-click the link) the Cults and Shamanic Practice .mp3 audio file.
About Christina Pratt…
Shamanic teacher and author, Christina is a skilled shamanic healer who weaves her authentic shamanic experience, extensive training, and experience with shamans from Ecuador, Nepal, Tibet, and Africa into her contemporary practice. She has been in practice for 20 years, specializing in soul retrieval healings, soul part integration, and ancestral healing. She is the director of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing in Portland, Oregon.